Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Man claims he found maggots in McDonald's burger

McDonald's has launched an investigation in Australia into how maggots allegedly found their way into a Melbourne man's burger. The burger giant wants to use a laboratory to investigate Leigh Savage's claims that his Big Mac, which he had purchased from a Frankston store, had "20 to 30" maggots crawling over the meat patties. Mr Savage said he only checked his burger to ensure "it had the extra pickles" he had ordered.

While the pickles were there, he claims so were the unwanted bugs. He took the matter to police, who said they were powerless to act. "It is just disgusting - the only reason I looked in my burger was to make sure the extra pickles were there and I was all like, there's maggots in my burger," he said. "My mate didn't believe me, no one believed me until they saw it."

The maggots were still visible and moving during an inspection yesterday. Mr Savage said there was no way the maggots made it into his burger during the trip home - as suggested by McDonald's - as the bag "remain done up tight". Mr Savage claims McDonald's staff laughed when he told them of his discovery. "I just wanted a refund, that's it," he said.

A McDonald's spokeswoman said: "When we receive the product we will provide it to the University of Wollongong laboratories for testing." She said the tests could take a month. Mr Savage insists he just wants an apology and a refund for his burger, but he is still deciding whether to hand it over for tests. "It's just disgusting, (I'm) never eating there again."

There's a news video here.

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