Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chef almost became light lunch for crocodile

Australian chef Kyle MacLennan almost became the meal during a recent swim at Mandorah. And no one knew how narrowly he escaped until days later. Mr MacLennan, 26, was swimming from the beach to a boat in the small marina at Mandorah, west of Darwin, when his mum, Lui MacLennan, snapped a picture of her boy.

She did not look at the photos until she returned to Sydney days later. "No one even knew it was there," Mr MacLennan said. "I was at Mandorah with my mum and her friend. I was completely unaware until I saw the pic."

Mr MacLennan said it had to be a real croc. "I was really hoping it was a practical joke being played by my mum," he said. "But she assures me it wasn't. It looks like it was looking right at me. It's not that huge."

Mr MacLennan said they were touring Mandorah, taking photos of lighthouses for his mum's friend who is an avid pharophile - and is writing a book on the topic. "It was a couple of days later when they got back to Sydney (that they saw the photo)," he said. "There were a couple of frantic emails. (Mum) is always telling me to be safe."

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