Saturday, May 1, 2010

Man arrested for allegedly stealing pills from his mother's bra

A Memphis woman said she woke up before sunrise on Wednesday to find her son stealing her prescription medication, which she said she keeps in her bra to keep it away from him.

She tried to restrain her son, but he allegedly took the Xanax, according to a police affidavit. She called the police to her home on Victor in the Kingsbury neighbourhood. Officers said they found the son hiding under a neighbour's SUV.

Officers searched the son's bedroom and reported finding crack pipes, some pills, a needle, a spoon with methamphetamine on it and other drug paraphernalia.

When officers searched the son, Charlie Boyd, 28, they found 22 generic Xanax pills on him, including 15 wrapped in toilet paper stuck in his sock. Boyd was charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was in jail Thursday with bond set at $40,000

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