Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pensioner fined €14,000 for 'ass bombing' pool

A pensioner from the state of Rhineland-Palatinate has reportedly been fined €14,000 for repeatedly doing Arschbomben, or “ass bombs,” the German equivalent of cannonballs, at a public swimming pool.

The retired 74-year-old teacher, identified as Axel G., appeared before the Alzey district court this week to appeal the fine for what is described as years of terrorising the local pool, where “ass bombs” are forbidden.

He was accused of scaring guests at the Wartberg Freibad with his splash-happy antics, hitting a woman over the head, sticking his tongue out, spitting in the water, and even dunking a 12-year-old girl underwater in 2006, causing her “mortal fear.”

The suntanned pensioner denied all of the explosive charges, but the pool security camera evidence worked against him, revealing footage of his “ass bombs.”

“The way you behave is really nothing to brag about,” Judge Rolf-Rainer Nebe said.

The court proceedings gave Axel G. a change of heart, though. He has withdrawn the appeal and decided to pay the fine, which reportedly included penalties for assaulting the girl, making false accusations and outstanding tax offences.

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