Saturday, May 1, 2010

Teacher with rabbit phobia to sue 14-year-old for drawing bunny

A teacher with a phobia over rabbits is suing a 14-year-old pupil for compensation after she drew a bunny on the blackboard.

The teacher, from Vechta, Germany, says she was traumatised by the drawing, and claims the girl knew it would terrify her.

She had transferred to the school where a pupil from her former school had just become a pupil and told her new friends about the teacher's fear of rabbits. "We did it for fun and out of curiosity", one of the girls told the court, adding, "We wanted to see if she would really freak out."

School officials removed her from the class and now the teacher is seeking compensation for her terror and loss of earnings, her lawyer Manfred Bormann told the court. The case continues.

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