Tuesday, March 1, 2011

'Hellish' headline censored by Canadian newspaper carrier

About 50 customers received Monday morning's edition of the Woodstock Sentinel-Review without the front page headline and banner after a newspaper carrier objected to the use of the word "hellish." The carrier cut out the offending headline from each of the 48 copies she delivered.

The headline "The hellish reality" accompanied a story about a local man, Jason Poole, 22, who has been living in Christchurch, New Zealand, for two months while studying education at the University of Canterbury. Poole was in the city when last week's 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck.

"This is certainly a first," Sentinel-Review publisher Andrea DeMeer said. "Obviously we are deeply apologetic to subscribers who received mutilated newspapers today."

DeMeer said new copies of the newspapers were to be delivered to the affected subscribers. "This is the first time I've ever been censored by one of our carriers," managing editor Bruce Urquhart said. "I hope it is the last."

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