Saturday, August 28, 2010

Army hero who lost leg in Afghanistan denied disabled parking permit 'because he may get better'

A soldier who lost a leg in Afghanistan has been denied a disabled parking badge three times. Lance-corporal Johno Lee has accrued £800 in fines for parking in disabled bays in Newark on days when he uses a wheelchair or feels unable to walk very far. Lance-corporal Lee, from Coddington, said when he first applied to Nottinghamshire County Council for a blue badge he was advised he was young and ‘may get better.’

His right leg was amputated below the knee after he was caught up in an explosion in Helmand Province in 2008. He said: “I replied that they possibly didn’t quite understand the situation and that I thought it unlikely that my leg would grow back.

“Sometimes the leg swells so badly I can’t even get the prosthetic leg on. I then have to park in disabled bays otherwise I can’t get into town, but then I get a ticket. Yes I am young and, yes, I drive a nice convertible but it’s an automatic and the insurance I took out for the tour on which I was injured paid for it.

“I’d give it all back in exchange for my leg and my career in the Army. If I live for another 60 years am I expected to continue to have to struggle for all of that time?” He said he felt let down by the county council which should have shown more understanding and compassion.

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