Friday, August 27, 2010

Man says he gave birth to baby girl after losing his penis

Hundreds of curious spectators gathered at a naming ceremony in the western Ghanaian village of Sefwi Aboduam recently to see the miracle child–born through what some believe is the world’s first genetic-male pregnancy. Kwabena Benie, a 24-year-old senior fetish priest, said he had an “unusual” nine months of pregnancy and delivered a child, named Abena Apomasu, through his “vagina” at home on August 10, he said the ceremony. A midwife who was present during the birth confirmed his claims.

Dressed in a woman’s gown, wig and “accessories to match,” and speaking in a “feminine voice,” Benie – who now goes by the name Abena Benie told how at 13 years old, a river god named Apomasu possessed him and led him to become a priest. He said the god told him not to have sex with women because he was spiritually married to the god. But 20 years later, he married a woman and had intercourse, despite the warning he received as a teen. Frequent pains in his penis soon followed, he said.

And after he experienced sharp pain in his waist one night, he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his penis was missing–and a vagina was in its place. He said: “When I felt the pain, I tried to touch my penis with my hands but I realized that it had turned into a vagina.” Female breasts never developed, he added. Having come to terms with his new gender, he began a sexual relationship with a man, named Kwesi Nkoah, who he said is the father of his child. But the college student quickly abandoned Benie when he learned about the pregnancy, he said.

As outlandish as the claims may be that a man in his 20’s transformed into a woman and gave birth to a baby, Benie insists “every bit of it was true because he would not tell the whole world that he had given birth to a child when he had not done so.” Benie encourages any skeptics to visit him and his baby girl in their village. “They should come along with gifts for little Abena,” he added.

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