Monday, August 30, 2010

Man rescues baby squirrel from oven hood then reunites it with his mother

Came home to hear some squeaking in the vent above my stove. Found a baby squirrel inside and took apart the vent hood. Rescued lil baby squirrel and reunited him with his mommy.

Took about 2 hours from getting home to reunion. Lil bugger couldn't open his eyes. It was difficult resisting the urge to love him, feed him, raise him and call him George, but seeing that his mommy retrieved him made me feel better. A local animal welfare place told me to nail the box to a tree outside for the mom to hear his squeals. I had just set up my tripod with camcorder and I heard something moving in the tree. Lucky timing to capture the reunion. He had stopped squeaking a few minutes prior, so the mom probably smelled him.

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