Friday, August 27, 2010

Woman charged for driving with sex toy while watching porn video

A woman pulled over by police in America was founf to have her trousers open, a sex toy in her lap, and was watching a porn video.

The woman was initially stopped by the police in Elmwood Place, close to Cincinnati in Ohio, because her car had illegally tinted windows. But when the woman, identified as 36-year-old Colondra Hamilton, pulled over, the police officer discovered exactly why she might not want people to see into her car.

Hamilton was discovered with her trousers unzipped, with a vibrator in her lap, while watching a porn video on a laptop that was helpfully being held a by a friend in the passenger seat.

Police Officer Ross Gilbert gave Hamilton a traffic ticket charging her with 'driving with inappropriate alertness', as well as having illegally tinted windows. She is due to appear in court next Tuesday. 'It's very unusual,' Gilbert said, with masterful understatement. 'This is a first for me.'

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