Thursday, August 26, 2010

'Dancer/housewife' charged after bag falls from 'genital area'

The situation for Elizabeth Athenia Progris didn't improve when a bag of generic Xanax tumbled "from her genital area." The case of the dropping drugs went down Aug. 13 at the Martin County jail after the 22-year-old "dancer/housewife" was booked in and showered, according to a recently released arrest affidavit.

Before being booked, Progris told investigators she had nothing illegal or not allowed in jail on her. A detective told her if she had such items, she could be charged. Progris, of the 800 block of Northwest 11th Trail in Stuart, said she understood and had nothing.

After Progris was booked, a deputy escorted her to the shower area. Progris showered and was drying off when a deputy noticed a clear bag drop "from her genital area to the floor by her feet." The deputy got the bag and saw several pills, which later were identified as generic Xanax.

Progris faces felony charges of possession of a controlled substance and introduction of contraband in connection with the incident. The affidavit didn't specify whether Progris simply forgot the pills were in her genital area, or how they got there.

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