Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Delta Airlines flight makes emergency landing at JFK using one wheel

A pilot has been hailed a hero for landing a packed passenger jet on one wheel after its landing gear got stuck on its approach to New York's JFK airport. A shower of sparks was seen as the plane touched down on the tarmac but all 60 passengers and four crew on the Delta Airlines flight escaped unharmed. It is thought that the pilot had balanced the jet on its left wheel then slowly eased it on to its right wing to slow it down.

The relieved passengers were evacuated through the main door and were taken to the terminal where they were checked over and released shortly afterwards. It was on Saturday night as the Delta Airlines flight 4951 was close to landing in White Plains, New York, when an indicator light in the cockpit went on, indicating the right landing wheel would not come down.

Immediately the pilot diverted to JFK because it has a longer runway and warned the 60 passengers and three crew: ‘Brace for landing’. He calmly told air traffic control that his landing gear would not come down then, referring to his flight number, said what could have been his last words: ‘4951 Roger and, uh better work’.

‘Stay down! Heads down!’ a flight attendant screamed as the CRJ 900 twin-engine jet slammed on the runway and slid to a stop, leaning to its right side. Specially trained firefighters had been put on alert - but the pilot’s landing meant they were not needed. All the passengers were taken to the terminal and checked over before being put on a bus for White Plains, but they were full of praise for the man who saved their lives.

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