Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Woman dyed cat pink to match her hair - Update

The owner of a bright-pink cat which mystified onlookers when it hurtled over a garden wall last week has admitted that she dyed the animal to match her hair.

The cat was taken to the RSPCA by a concerned man after it flew into his back garden in Swindon, Wilts. Officers suspected that yobs had dyed it pink before throwing it over the wooden fence. But now the animal has been claimed by its owner, 22-year-old Natasha Gregory, who has revealed that she dyed it herself using food colouring to match her own pink hair.

The mother-of-two said the idea of colouring the natrually white cat - called Oi! Kitty - with food dye came from a US TV show. She said: "It's my favourite colour, I love it. I've dyed my hair pink and I adore pink clothes. Turning Oi! Kitty pink seemed like a good idea. I always wanted a pink animal - a bit like my hair.

"I read the instructions on the food colouring and there was nothing that would harm humans or animals. We eat the food the dye is used on, so I knew it wasn't toxic." Miss Gregory has now contacted the RSPCA, who have been caring for Oi! Kitting, to ask them to return the animal. Officers have washed the cat since it was found, and its colour has faded slightly.


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