Monday, September 27, 2010

Man tries to avoid Taser by covering himself in paint

Brian Mattert thought there was a good possibility police would use a Taser on him when they showed up at his house just after midnight on Sept. 16. So he went into the back room of his house and hastily covered himself in white latex paint. Cheyenne Police officers Joshua Thorton and James Womak arrived with their Tasers drawn.

"You see all this water-based paint?" Mattert asked them. "You shoot me with that and you'll kill me." According to the police report, Mattert, 34, became defiant and uncooperative. The officers continued to demand his surrender and explained that the paint would not affect a Taser's capability nor would it cause his death if used.

After some time, the officers were able to get Mattert into his back yard. He tried to pull away and was subsequently shocked with a Taser. As he lay in a foetal position on the grass, Mattert refused to give up his hand so he could be placed in cuffs. So he was shocked again, and the officers were able to detain him. Mattert was booked in the Laramie County jail for domestic violence, assault and battery, interference with a peace officer and aggravated assault on a peace officer.

"Tasers are clearly useful and effective tools for law enforcement to use to actually procure the arrest and maintain the safety of those being arrested," Cheyenne Police Sgt. Rob Dafoe said. "Thousands of law enforcement agencies utilize Tasers in their arsenal of police equipment." He said the officers did have to replace their uniforms.

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