Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Man hit by flying yoghurt had to take time off work

A man had to take two days off work after being hit by a flying pot of yoghurt in Torquay. Antony Booth, 38, was hit on the back of the neck by the dairy product which was thrown from a passing car. The attack happened on the Newton Road near Torre Station as he was walking home from work late on Tuesday night. Anthony revealed he had to take sick leave because the assault had left him with a spasm in his neck.

He was heading towards the traffic lights at the Avenue Road junction — on the left hand side of the road — when he was struck by the missile. He cleared off the mess before going to the nearby police station to report the incident. Anthony revealed that it was not the first time he had been hit by objects thrown from cars.

A few months ago he suffered a similar assault on the same stretch of road when a plastic half-empty litre bottle of water was flung at him. "Luckily, it only clipped my shoulder," said Anthony who escaped without injury after the first incident." He is anxious to know whether other people have suffered the same misfortune. "I would like to find out if it's happened to others, or whether I am the only one. I am not too worried about me, but such incidents can cause serious harm," said Anthony.

He said of the latest assault: "The full carton caught me on the back of the neck and exploded on me. It was a bit of a shock. I didn't see what car it was, but I did hear a lot of laughing coming from the vehicle which was heading the same way as me towards Torquay." A police spokeswoman said: "We have not received any other reports of similar incidents recently, but we do take such matters seriously and would urge members of the public to report any such incidents to us." She added: "In this particular incident Mr Booth was not seriously injured but we would emphasise that it is very dangerous to throw objects at people from moving vehicles as this could result in serious injury."

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