Tuesday, June 28, 2011

David Cameron expresses desire to pleasure Mrs Bone

Prime Minister David Cameron declared in Parliament that "a very big part of my life is trying to give pleasure" to the wife of Wellingborough MP Peter Bone.

The comment was made after Mr Bone asked if Mr Cameron would rule out contributing to any eurozone bailouts before 2013.

YouTube link.

Mrs Bone had been "singing the praises of the PM" over the UK refusing to contribute to the Greek bailout, the MP Wellingborough and Rushden told the Commons. But she was also asking for an assurance that no other contributions would be necessary as this would "be really helpful for the Bone household", the MP said.

Mr Cameron replied: "I do feel now that a very big part of my life is trying to give pleasure to Mrs Bone. I feel on this occasion I can only go so far." Speaker John Bercow interjected: "We note the admirable self-restraint of the prime minister."

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