Thursday, June 30, 2011

Moth crawls into boy's ear as he sleeps

Not a pleasant way to wake up - by learning that a moth has crawled into your ear. But that's just what happened to a Denver-area boy. 12-year-old Wade Schlote was awoken Sunday night by the pain of the moth that settled in his ear. "I had a moment of panicking. I was in pain," he said. "It was hurting so much I was screaming and crying."

His mother tried to wash it out. When that didn't work, they headed off to the emergency room. Doctors there were skeptical. "They said, 'Yeah, right. There's no moth in there.' But when they looked, sure enough, there was a moth," Max's mother Kathy Schlote said. The doctors said they had never seen a moth in someone's ear before, and they apparently weren't sure how to get it out.

"The doctors tried numbing my ear, thinking it would help with the pain and kill the moth," Max recalled. "That didn't work. Then they tried drowning it. That didn't work. Then they tried irrigating it. That didn't work.

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"Finally, the doctor pulled it out with tweezers and when they did it was still alive and started flying around." The doctors caught the moth, and Max took it home as a souvenir of his unpleasant night. "I am so happy it's over. It was so painful. Every time it moved it hit my ear drum."

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