Friday, June 24, 2011

Plans for scary child-shaped bollards dropped

Plans for child-shaped bollards outside a primary school have been rejected by parents who described them as "scary" and "something out of Doctor Who". Plymouth's Compton Church of England Primary School asked parents about the bollards, which aim to slow down cars.

Some compared the stony-faced bollards, which cost £350 each, to a scene from Doctor Who. Plymouth City Council, which imposed the bollards as a planning condition, is now reviewing the proposals.

The makers of the bollards said they remained "proud" of them. The 3ft-high bollards had been planned to be placed by the side of the road. The idea was mentioned to a newsletter which went to parents with pupils at the school.

Mother Rachel Lane said: "They might work, but they are pretty scary. I think they might frighten the children. I'd like to see a lollipop man and a zebra crossing because the roads near the school are so busy."

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