Saturday, June 25, 2011

Police investigate man accused of stealing rhubarb from allotments

Police have been called in over a row about rhubarb disappearing from allotments in a Dorset village. Yetminster plot holders have reported the incidents and named a gardener they think has taken some. Phillip Lashbrook says the issue has been going on for a number of years and recently came to a head at a funeral when an argument broke out with the man. “I felt it opportune to confront him,” said Mr Lashbrook.

Another allotment holder, Michael Bird, took the decision to call the police after being told of the situation. Yetminster parish clerk Carrina Vickers has written to all allotment gardeners encouraging them to report any incidents to the police. But Bill Foster, the gardener said to have taken rhubarb, denied picking anything without consent.

He said: “Every time I have taken rhubarb I have had permission to do so. I remember speaking to the new allotment holder. She has the plot next to mine. I asked her whether I could have some of her rhubarb and she said yes. I went back to take some more on a second occasion and she told me not to. So I didn’t. I was not rude to her. The police have been to see me and they’ve told me they are investigating. I hope they have got a true impression of things.

“The problem is that there is so much rhubarb down there which is wasted, and no one would give it to me if I asked anyway. That seems to be the way things are done. I’m devastated it has got to this point. The police have got far better things to do. There are a lot of oil thefts in this area. They should spend their time trying to catch the person responsible for that.” Sgt Ged Want of Sherborne police confirmed his rural beat offers had attended Yetminster and were looking into the matter. He said: “The incidents are not being treated at crimes at this stage. Enquiries are ongoing.”

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