Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Man arrested over bizarre water and cola attacks on women and girls

Police in Gloucester have arrested a man in connection with a series of water and cola throwing attacks on women and girls. There have been 12 incidents from around the city since the end of April and a covert operation was underway to identify the offender.

In ten of the linked cases a man was reported to have approached his victims from behind before tipping water from a container over them. In two cases, cola was used. Most of the attacks took place at the beginning or end of the day, with the youngest victim aged ten and the oldest victim in their twenties.

Eagle-eyed PC Andy Plant, who was off duty when he spotted a man acting suspiciously on Monday evening, called his colleagues to report the matter. Subsequently, a 24-year-old Gloucester man was arrested on suspicion of common assault in connection with the incidents. He has been bailed to attend Gloucester Police Station on June 30, pending further inquiries.

PC Plant said: "We would urge anyone with information about these attacks or who has been a victim of any similar incidents since April to come forward. While bizarre, these attacks have been unnerving and traumatic for the victims and we've been determined to bring them to an end."

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