Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Teenager passes test then lamppost crashes down on car

A teenage girl’s car got trashed when a concrete lamppost fell on it an hour after she passed her driving test. Charlotte Carrington, 19, from Sawston, passed her test just before noon and by 1pm her green Renault Clio was a write-off. It was parked on the grass verge outside her house at Woodland Road.

She said: "I had just passed my driving test – it was the third time I had taken it and I was really happy. I was at my laptop and could see a guy cutting the lawn outside from the window. I heard a bang and I looked out and the lamppost was lying on the floor but it had snapped in half. It had slid down the side of my car. It damaged the back of the roof and it smashed a window and scratched the frame."

She said the grass cutter, an employee of firm CGM (Commercial Grounds Maintenance and Garden Services for Norfolk Suffolk and Cambridgeshire), had driven into the lamppost causing it to fall. Miss Carrington, a student, said the car, which is 11-years-old, had just passed its MOT, adding: "I bought it myself out of my savings.

"I was really angry. We had to ring the number on the lamppost as wires were hanging out and it was still sparking." She said the insurance will cover the value of the car, but it will cost £900 to fix – more than the original cost of the car.

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